
Falls Ihr Lieblingslied nicht dabei ist, reden Sie mit mir - vielleicht kann ich es einstudieren.


Amazing Grace
Deep River
Down by the riverside
Ezekiel saw the wheel
Going up yonder
Glory glory Halleluja
Go down, Moses
Go, tell it on the mountain
He´s got the whole world in his hands
His eye is on the sparrow
I go to the rock
I´m gonna fly away
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Kumbayah, my Lord
May the road rise to meet you
Michael, row the boat ashore
My heavenly home
Nobody knows
Oh Freedom
Oh Happy Day
Precious Lord, take my hand
Put your hand in the hand
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Soon I will be done
Steal away
Swing low, sweet chariot
Tryin' to get home
Wade in the water
Wayfaring Stranger
Where you there?
We shall overcome


Angels (Robbie Williams)
Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon)
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
Happy (Pharrell Williams)
He ain´t heavy, he´s my brother (Scott/Russell)
I still haven´t found what I´m looking for (U2)
Lean on me (Bill Withers)
Operator (William Spivery)
People get ready (Curtis Mayfield)
Shackles (Mary Mary)
Sounds of Silence (Paul Simon)
Still crazy after all these years (Paul Simon)
The Rose (Amanda McBroom)
We are the world (Jackson/Ritchie)
You´ve got a friend (Carole King)